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Writer's pictureChris MacPherson

Welcome to my Blog!

Why would an intuitive have a blog? Well, obviously I will be using this page to share with you my business - including opportunities for free readings, card pulls and special promotions - but that's not the main purpose here! I want to share my spiritual, crystal, healing and animal communication knowledge. (You will learn quickly that I have a love for all living creatures.) I am on my own journey – following the path that is right for me – and I hope in sharing some of my beliefs, ideas and spiritual guidance, others of you might take a stronger step onto your own paths too!

I am going to kick this off with a little talk about Easter- and Spring - and what those things mean to me!

I can’t say I grew up in an overly religious family, but certainly there were certain occasions we celebrated, and Easter was always one of them. As a child, there was always the traditional chocolate rabbit and sometimes a few eggs hidden around – but mostly what I remember is that Easter was the beginning of Spring.

There is always something wonderful about Spring…. whether it’s the longer days and more sun shine; shedding the layers of winter clothes; or just that thought of green grass and that summer never takes long to arrive – Spring is always good! Spring reminds us that, like the plants and trees that have been dormant for winter, we can also flourish! Spring is the opportunity for “Spring cleaning” (getting rid of the old) – and is the time for “airing out” (getting rid of the stagnant energy in our homes); and of course, there is always “Spring fever” (marked by all the births of new life in the animal world).

For me, this Spring will have another new beginning – it is the beginning of my new business. To start it off right, all one-hour services will be $15 off for the month of April – so be sure to book your appointment before this egg-stra special sale-abration is over. (Sorry but I couldn’t help myself!)

I sincerely hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to see what I have to offer; and at the very least follow this blog, or my FB page, where you are sure to find some inspiration!

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